EMT Muhammadiyah Stands Ready to Deploy Medical Personnel to Turkey and Syria


MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, JAKARTA – A 7.8-magnitude quake struck Turkey and Syria on Monday (6/2) at 04.17 a.m. local time (0117 GMT) as people were still sleeping and in freezing weather.

AFP News Agency reported at least 1,444 people were killed across Syria, while in its epicenter in southwestern Turkey the authority claimed the death toll rises to over 2,379. The earthquake in Turkey-Syria renders 14,500 people injured and 4,900 buildings damaged. The number may increase.

Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) prepares for an emergency medical team (EMT) with a total of 29 people. The EMT is verified by the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the Chair of the MDMC, the EMT Coordinator dr. Corona SpEM mentioned the EMT Muhammadiyah stands ready to deploy 29 people and is now coordinating with the National Disaster Management Agency (BPNB), the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, the Center for Health Crisis of the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

The EMT consists of 5 emergency doctors, 2 orthopedic surgeons, 7 nurses, 2 pharmacists, 1 midwife, 1 psychologist, 1 safety & security officer, 7 logistical support staff (WASH setup and others), 1 medical admin, 1 photographer, and 1 liaison officer.

For information, the EMT was deployed to assist earthquake victims in Nepal and has just returned from a mission to help survivors in Pakistan as part of the Indonesian medical team for Pakistan floods.

Due to the earthquake hitting Turkey and Syria, the MDMC invites all people, especially Muhammadiyah members, to help the survivors by donating through LazisMu (the Muhammadiyah zakat management body).

Turkey declared a seven-day mourning period. Rescue efforts were hampered by a blizzard that covered major roads. Local officials said the quake grounded three main airports in the area, making it difficult to deliver vital aid.