Deployed to Turkiye, 23 Muhammadiyah EMT Volunteers brought along 5 tones Logistic


MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, JAKARTA – 23 Emergency Medical Team (EMT) members from Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) coordination, deployed on Monday (13/2) to Turkiye & Syria from Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, Jakarta.

23 Muhammadiyah representatives included in 152 personnel scheme of Indonesian Humanitarian Team (INA-EMT Team) for Turkiye & Syria earthquake response, the team consisting of (17 personnel) Indonesia National Police Medical Team, (17 personnel) Indonesia National Defense Medical Team, Indonesia National Health Ministry Medical Team, BNPB, Professional and Civil Organization collaboration within INA-EMT.

The INA-EMT team going to establish field hospital in Hassa city, Hatay Province Turkiye. They are deployed as second wave following first wave of 47 personnel from BASARNAS Team (INASAR/MUSAR) which departed to Turkiye earlier with Boeing B737-499 and C-130 Hercules (National Air Force)

In this mission , EMT Muhammadiyah brought along with them 5 tones logistic, comprises of medic and non medic logistic to support operational and medical service on field. This operational support made possible by the fund collected by LAZISMU. LAZISMU also support emergency response program which is organized with Muhammadiyah Special Branch in Turkiye (PCIM Turkiye).

After symbolic official ceremony by Indonesian government on Saturday (11/2) by Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Minister, Muhadjir Effendy, Republic of Indonesia Defense Minister, Health Minister, The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Head of National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure and Turkiye ambassador for Indonesia, EMT Muhammadiyah team also received briefing from Muhammadiyah Central Board Secretary M. Izzul Muslimin on Sunday night (12/2).

In BPPK Kemenkes, Izzul Muslimin emphasize that the deployment of Muhammadiyah EMT team is an implementation of Muhammadiyah’s consistency to always help those in needs of humanitarian aid regardless their tribe, religion, race in any region.

‘This year marks 100 years of PKO (Penolong Kesengsaraan Oemoem). The deployment of the team is a milestone for Muhammadiyah”. On 15th February 1923 first Muhammadiyah medical clinic were established in Suronatan, Yogyakarta. At the time KH. Ahmad Dahlan with other Muhammadiyah founder help commoners through the clinic without tribe, religion, race and other discrimination, he said.

Izzul Muslimin (former Head of PP IPM and PP Pemuda Muhammaddiyah) advise to all Muhammadiyah EMT personnel to always give good example to other INA-EMT member with their extensive field experience and their (75% completed) verification from WHO.

The 23 personnel of Muhammadiyah EMT Turkiye and Syria Earthquake Response are; dr. Corona Rintawan, dr. Eva Delsi Djohar, dr. Ershad A. Manggala, Ade Indah Irmayanti Y, Suprayetno, Agus Priyanto, Anggi Setiawan, Mualim Abdillah, Nani Sarwiah, Naziat Fatchur, Nur Adi Wibowo, Zakarija Achmat, Pristiawan Buntoro, Donny Halim Mutiasa, Huda Khairun Nahar, Faruq Kusuma N, Noto Prasetyo, Fikri Syahmunakhwa, Muhammad Taufiq Ulinuha, Surya Prima, Novy Husnul M, Rindya Fery Indrawan, dan M Abdoel Malik Rizal.

Other than the above mentioned 23 Muhammadiyah cadre, 2 other cadre joined in INA-EMT team as representative from professional organisation, they are dr. Ribkhi Amalia, SpOG, dan dr. Era Catur Prasetya, SpKJ.

Indonesian government in Turkiye and Syria Earthquake Response is goint to send 1 million USD for Turkiye and 1 million USD for Syria for the first stage of aid.

“Indonesian government always send support and humanitarian aid as a whole to all countries experiencing disaster whether its in a form of logistic, personel / team, and other needs”, said Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Minister, Muhadjir Effendy, Saturday (11/02).