Muhammadiyah Creates Digital Piety due to the Uncivility of Netizens


MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, MEDAN–Microsoft’s survey on Digital Civility Index (DCI) 2020 put Indonesia in the lowest place among surveyed Southeast Asian countries.

The Chairman of Muhammadiyah for Libraries, Information, and Digitalization Dadang Kahmad said that many hoaxes seem to confirm the survey findings.

The lack of digital civilization is particularly vulnerable for a pluralistic country as Indonesia. Thus, Muhammadiyah is concerned with the issue by including it in strategic issues discussed at the 48th Congress (Muktamar) of Muhammadiyah in Surakarta.

“Muhammadiyah deliberates strategic issues such as religious regimentation, the unity of the people, and digital piety,” mentioned Dadang at the national seminar on ‘Healthy Media for the Nation in the Digital Era’ on Wednesday (8/2).

To strengthen digital piety, Muhammadiyah seeks to provide guidance on the significance of positive content and information to the public, particularly the Muhammadiyah people.

“Muhammadiyah people are expected to be as if they were beetles. They will remain to choose beautiful flowers instead of trash. Meanwhile, flies will prefer trash to flowers. Muhammadiyah people should be able to distinguish flowers and trash as well as positive and negative news. Thus, Muhammadiyah issues Fiqh (Jurisprudence) of Information,” said Dadang.

In addition, the Muhammadiyah Council for Tarjih and Tajdid conducted a national meeting at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar in 2018 and discussed the fiqh. The Fiqh of Information is guidance, values, principles, and rules about utilizing social media as a new world.

Muhammadiyah appeals to its people to mainstream positive content shared on social media. Muhammadiyah will also provide facilities to share positive content.